Allied Academies

Peninah Kitili

Peninah Kitili
Consultant Dermatologist, Paediatrician and Venereologist
Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya

Dr. Peninah Kitili attended University of Nairobi for both undergraduate and postgraduate (Master's in Paediatrics) degrees in 1978 to 1984 and 1987 to 1990 respectively. She furthered her studies at the University of Vienna in Austria between 1994 to 1995 where she graduated with a Diploma in Dermatology and Venereology. She worked at the national hospital in Kenya (Kenyatta National, Referral and Teaching Hospital) for 33 years before her retirement in October 2017. She worked as both consultant paediatrician and dermatologist. She is the only Paediatrician and Dermatologist in the country (Kenya) since 1995 but currently expecting one other paediatrician to join her. She was the head of Department of Dermatology in the hospital between 2002 upto 2010 . She was a member of ethics and research committee whose role is to guide both undergraduate and postgraduate students on their researches which is a part fulfilment exercise for their studies, between 2004 upto 2012 and guided over 500 students. She was a member of a team that formulated the first ever strategic plan for research of the university of Nairobi. Also a board member of the American Vitiligo Research Foundation ( as a member of the Medical Advisory Committee -- MAC) since 2008 upto date. A member of the Technical Committee of Cosmetics and related products at the Kenya's bureau of Standards and including harmonisation of the same at the level of the East African countries (Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and Kenya). Active member of Kenya Association of Dermatologists , Kenya Paediatric Association, African Society of Dermatology and Venereology, European Society of Paediatric Dermatology among others. Currently she is engaged in full time private practise in her clinic at the Nairobi hospital, Kenya. Wrote the Dermatology chapters in 2 books ie a) Guidelines for treatment in healthcare facilities for the ministry of health in Kenya. b) Guidelines for treatment for healthcare centres for African Medical Research and Evacuation Foundation (AMREF).   

Research Interest

Consultant Pediatrician, Dermatologist and Venereology. Only doctor in Kenya who specializes in all three since 1995

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