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Focus on advanced improvements and new challenges in Craniofacial Surgery

Welcome Message

 Welcome to the craniofacial committee 


3rd Annual Conference on Craniofacial Surgery will be organized around the theme “Focus on advanced improvements and new challenges in Craniofacial Surgery”. 

I am delighted to welcome you to the 2nd Annual Conference of Craniofacialsurgery2022 to be held  on November 16-17, 2022 as Webinar

I hope you will enjoy the Scientific Sessions included in the Webinar.

Being, more than 50 years after Craniofacial Surgery was born, it is my sincere desire that we all will highly benefit for this experience and take back home advanced knowledge and richness of spirit to enhance our results and practices. We believe this is a great opportunity to meet and learn from leading experts.

Craniofacial surgery 2022, the aim is to organize annual scientific meetings and to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, doctors and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of craniofacial care, craniofacial research in regenerative medicine, plastic surgery related to reconstructive surgery, including the latest developments in Craniosynostosis, craniofacial clefts, microvascular reconstruction in craniofacial care including facial transplantation to be discussed in the panel. It also provides rich interdisciplinary platforms for researchers, practitioners, business persons, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of craniofacial surgery.

Papers and Posters are invited for inclusion in the conference, for the encouragement of original and promising research papers, and are awarded by Eminent Doctors at the conference.

We are grateful to see you in Webinar.

Application forms


Abstract submission

Speaker registration

Listener registration

Sponsorship and Exhibition


Warm Regards,

 Alice David,
Program Manager of Craniofacial Committee

Craniofacial Surgery 2022.


Note: Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.


About us



The 3rd Annual Conference on Craniofacial surgery will be held on November 16-17 of 2022. The social event will cover both speculative and sensible pieces of these fields and will give a phase to exchanging research results and put forth new planned attempts among scholarly and industry specialists and allies from different associations all through the world. The reason for this gathering is to unite researchers, Craniofacial specialists, research scholars, educators, policymakers, and key industrialists to talk about the most recent advancement in their particular fields.

The conference incorporates keynote lectures; informative sessions on various points, exhibitions, videos, and poster presentations will all add to information sharing among the members and help encourage new craniofacial advanced improvements and new challenges among industry and scholarly experts. The program will be enhanced with the specialist show, offering analysts an opportunity to take a working part, and for the exhibitors to cooperate with pioneers in various aspects of the field.


The fundamental goal of this world-class occasion is to urge and inspire representatives to interface with experts in their logical fields and to show their exploration results on an overall stage while investigating better ways to deal with work on your flow research. We believe this occasion will fill in as a phase to share your musings and offer critical inclusion in analysts around the world.

Scientific Sessions/Tracks

Session Tracks

1.      Session on: Craniofacial Surgery

Craniofacial Surgery is at the heart of modern plastic surgery and different surgical methods/types are used to correct a range of congenital and acquired abnormalities of the head, skull, face, neck, jaws and associated structures. Craniofacial surgery is not tissue-specific, even though craniofacial treatment is often associated with manipulation of bone, craniofacial surgeons who deal with bone, skin, nerve, muscle, teeth, and another related anatomy.

Related: Cleft Lip Surgery conference | Craniofacial surgery conferences | Craniofacial maxillofacial surgery conference | Craniosynostosis Surgery Conference | plastic surgery conference |

Recommended: Microsurgery | Craniosynostosis | Maxillofacial | Cosmetic Surgery | Craniomaxillofacial | Craniofacial Anomalies | Craniofacial surgery | Craniofacial  maxillofacial surgery | Plastic Surgery |  Cleft Lip Surgery |  Craniosynostosis Surgery |

Related Associations and Societies:

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research | Indian Society of Cleft Lip Palate | and Craniofacial Anomalies | American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association | Children's Craniofacial Association | European Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association | Cleft Lip and Palate Association |  Hyderabad Cleft Society |

2.      Session on: Craniosynostosis Surgery

The condition of Craniosynostosis is in which the fibrous joints between the skull bones fuse too early. It occurs usually before or at birth and it can cause an abnormal head shape, or in some cases restrict the growth of the brain, which increases the pressure inside the skull. Craniosynostosis Surgery for is designed to correct the abnormal head shape and allow the growing brain room to expand normally. In Craniosynostosis Surgery, there are many types of surgery used to treat Craniosynostosis, including strip craniectomy, spring-assisted craniectomy, and cranial vault remodelling. The surgery is performed by a specialist team of a plastic surgeon and a neurosurgeon or a specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Related: Maxillofacial surgery conference | Craniofacial and plastic surgery conference | Craniofacial Anomalies surgery conference | Skull Base Surgery conference | Facial and Plastic surgery conference |  Cosmetology Surgery |

Recommended: Pediatric craniofacial surgery | Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | Skull Base Surgery | Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery | Pediatric Surgery | Orthogenetic surgery | Reconstructive Microsurgery | Palate surgery | Reconstructive Surgery | Cosmetology Surgery | Dentistry |

Related Associations and Societies: Operation Smile | American Society of Plastic Surgeons | British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons | Association of Plastic Surgeons of India | American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | American Board of Plastic Surgery.

3.      Session on: Skull Base Surgery

Skull base surgery is surgery that is done to remove tumors growths, and abnormalities on the the underside of the brain, the skull base, or the top few vertebrae of the spinal column. There are some types of skull base surgery, growths, diagnosis, treatment, and conditions that managing after skull base surgery that may be treated by skull base surgery and other cases. In Craniofacial Surgery conference open sessions are to be discussed in these:

Related: Craniofacial surgery conferences | Craniofacial maxillofacial surgery conferenceCraniosynostosis Surgery Conference | Cleft Lip Surgery conference | plastic surgery conference |

Recommended: Craniofacial surgery | Craniofacial Maxillofacial surgery | Plastic Surgery | Microsurgery | Cleft Lip Surgery | Craniosynostosis | Maxillofacial | Craniosynostosis Surgery | Cosmetic Surgery |  Craniomaxillofacial |  Craniofacial Anomalies |

Related Associations and Societies: International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India | American Society of Craniofacial Surgeons | Craniofacial society of Great Britain and Ireland | The Aesthetic Society |

4.      Session on: Craniofacial Congenital Syndromes

In Craniofacial Surgery, especially Craniofacial Congenital Syndromes the various craniofacial abnormalities result from mal development in face and bone structures. Each of the specific congenital anomalies discussed here typically can be associated with many different genetic syndromes these are some of the topics to be discussed in this session:

Related: Maxillofacial surgery conference | Craniofacial and plastic surgery the conference | Craniofacial Anomalies surgery conference | Skull Base Surgery conference | Facial and Plastic surgery conference | Cosmetology Surgery |

Recommended: Pediatric Craniofacial surgery | Facial Plastic | Aesthetic Plastic Surgery |    Skull Base Surgery | Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery | Pediatric Surgery | Orthogenetic surgery | Reconstructive Microsurgery | Palate surgery |Reconstructive Surgery |Cosmetology Surgery | Dentistry |

Related Associations and Societies: Societal Argentina de Cirugía Plástica | Estética y Reparadora | Fibrous Dysplasia Foundation | Turkish Society of Plastic | Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons | British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons | Österreichische Gesellschaft fur Pastiche | Ästhetische und Reconstructive Chirurgic |

5.      Session on: Advances in Craniofacial Surgery

Craniofacial Surgery has developing and advancing the treatment for the patients who is affected by it. The recent updates of the treatment are done with the grafting the bones for the patients. In these Sessions discussions, the Advances of Craniofacial Surgery surgeons, doctors and related professionals can share the experience and bring up the ideas to develop treatments.

Related: Cleft Lip Surgery conference | plastic surgery conference | Craniofacial surgery conferences | Craniofacial maxillofacial surgery conference | Craniosynostosis Surgery Conference |

Recommended: Craniofacial surgery | Craniofacial maxillofacial surgery | Plastic Surgery | Microsurgery | Cleft Lip Surgery | Craniosynostosis | Maxillofacial | Craniosynostosis Surgery | Cosmetic Surgery | Craniomaxillofacial | Craniofacial Anomalies.

Related Associations and Societies: NVPC – Netherlands Society for Plastic Surgery Hand Surgery | Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery | Swiss Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery | American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association | Children's Craniofacial Association | European Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association | Cleft Lip and Palate Association | National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research |Hyderabad Cleft Society Indian Society of Cleft Lip  Palate | and Craniofacial Anomalies |

6.      Session on: Pediatric craniofacial surgery

The Pediatric craniofacial surgery, the craniofacial surgery is especially done for Infants and children who are affected by disorders or abnormal growth of facial and bone structures. In this session the major discussions of the children craniofacial surgery methods, treatments, diagnosis, non-surgical methods and also includes in the craniofacial conference

Related: Cleft Lip Surgery conference | Craniofacial surgery conferences | Craniofacial maxillofacial surgery conference | Craniosynostosis Surgery Conference | plastic surgery conference |

Recommended: Microsurgery | Craniosynostosis | Maxillofacial | Cosmetic Surgery | Craniomaxillofacial | Craniofacial Anomalies | Craniofacial surgery | Craniofacial  maxillofacial surgery | Plastic Surgery | Cleft Lip Surgery | Craniosynostosis Surgery

Related Associations and Societies:

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research | Indian Society of Cleft Lip Palate | and Craniofacial Anomalies | American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association | Children's Craniofacial Association | European Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association | Cleft Lip and Palate Association | Hyderabad Cleft Society |

7.      Session on: Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery

Cleft Lip and Plate surgery are mostly done for the children in the early stage. when facial structures the unborn baby don't close completely developing the result in a Cleft lip and cleft palate. A cleft is usually treated with Cleft Lip surgery. Other treatments, such as speech therapy and dental care, may also be needed the surgical procedures required for each patient with cleft lip and palate will vary depending upon the type and severity of the deformity. Based on each patient’s overall medical needs timing and treatment will be adjusted, but treatment generally includes a combination of the procedures that will be discussed and shared in this Craniofacial Surgery Conference. The session is majorly covering the cleft lip and palate surgery for the children and some of the topics included are to be discussed in this craniofacial surgery Conference:

Related: Craniofacial surgery conferences | Craniofacial maxillofacial surgery conference | Craniosynostosis Surgery Conference | Cleft Lip Surgery conference plastic surgery conference |

Recommended: Plastic Surgery | Microsurgery | Cleft Lip Surgery | Craniosynostosis | Maxillofacial | Craniosynostosis Surgery | Craniomaxillofacial | Craniofacial Anomalies. Craniofacial surgery | Craniofacial maxillofacial surgery | Cosmetic Surgery |

Related Associations and Societies: Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery | Swiss Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery | American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association |  Cleft Lip and Palate Association | National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research | Hyderabad Cleft Society Indian Society of Cleft Lip  Palate | and Craniofacial Anomalies | NVPC – Netherlands Society for Plastic Surgery Hand Surgery |  Children's Craniofacial Association | European Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association |

8.      Session on: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is one type of plastic surgery that is performed on abnormal structures of the body that may be caused by trauma, infection, developmental abnormalities, congenital defects, disease, and/or tumors. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery is typically performed to improve function but may also be performed to approximate a normal appearance. Plastic and Reconstructive surgery is all about restoring functionality and appearance to the human body subsequent to the illness or accident and aesthetic and it is often called cosmetic plastic surgery. In this session, advanced treatments, types of surgery in plastic and reconstructive of the patient’s body, complications are to be discussed.

Related: Craniofacial and plastic surgery the conference | Craniofacial Anomalies surgery conference | Facial and Plastic surgery conference | Cosmetology Surgery | Skull Base Surgery conference | Maxillofacial surgery conference |

Recommended:  Facial Plastic  |   Skull Base Surgery | Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery | Pediatric Surgery | Reconstructive Microsurgery | Palate surgery |Reconstructive Surgery |Cosmetology Surgery | Dentistry | Pediatric Craniofacial surgery | Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | Orthogenetic surgery |

Related Associations and Societies: Estética y Reparadora | Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons | British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons | Österreichische Gesellschaft fur Pastiche | Ästhetische und Reconstructive Chirurgic | Turkish Society of Plastic | Societal Argentina de Cirugía Plástica | Fibrous Dysplasia Foundation

9.      Session on: Oral and maxillofacial surgery

The specialty of dental practice includes the diagnosis, surgical and adjunct treatment of diseases, injuries, and defects encompassing both functional and aesthetic aspects of the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region are known for Oral and maxillofacial surgery. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of in a wide range of disorders affecting the facial complex and skeleton, including the jaws and oral cavity. In this Craniofacial surgery conference, the session is specially designed for the surgeons, fellowship students, and medical researchers who are involved in Oral and maxillofacial surgery to share their knowledge, advances in treatment, and their ideas. These are the some of the topics included in these sessions are to be discussed in the meeting

Related: Maxillofacial surgery conference | Craniofacial and plastic surgery the conference | Skull Base Surgery conference | Facial and Plastic surgery conference | Cosmetology Surgery | Craniofacial Anomalies surgery conference |

Recommended: Pediatric Craniofacial surgery | Facial Plastic | Skull Base Surgery | Pediatric Surgery | Orthogenetic surgery | Reconstructive Microsurgery | Palate surgery | Reconstructive Surgery |Cosmetology Surgery | Dentistry | Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery | Aesthetic Plastic Surgery |

Related Associations and Societies: Societal Argentina de Cirugía Plástica | Estética y Reparadora | Fibrous Dysplasia Foundation | Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons | Österreichische Gesellschaft fur Pastiche | Ästhetische und Reconstructive Chirurgic | Turkish Society of Plastic |  British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons |

1     Session on: Cosmetology and Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is focused on enhancing appearance through surgical and medical techniques. Cosmetic surgery can be performed on all areas of the head, neck and body. Facial cosmetic surgery is well known and trending in recent years. Cosmetology and Cosmetic Surgery sessions are discussed with all cosmetic and plastic surgeons and also doctors related to the field with the recent treatment, medicine effects, diagnosis, procedures for the cosmetic surgery, and advancement in Cosmetic Surgery.

Related: Cleft Lip Surgery conference | Craniofacial surgery conferences | Craniofacial maxillofacial surgery conference | Craniosynostosis Surgery Conference | plastic surgery conference |

Recommended: Microsurgery | Craniosynostosis | Maxillofacial | Cosmetic Surgery | Craniomaxillofacial | Craniofacial Anomalies | Craniofacial  maxillofacial surgery | Plastic Surgery | Cleft Lip Surgery | Craniosynostosis Surgery | Craniosynostosis | Maxillofacial | Craniofacial surgery |

Related Associations and Societies:

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research and Craniofacial Anomalies | American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association | Children's Craniofacial Association | Cleft Lip and Palate Association | Hyderabad Cleft Society | European Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association | Indian Society of Cleft Lip Palate |

       Session on: Microsurgery

Microsurgery is a tool used by multiple plastic surgeons to do certain procedures which include the transfer of tissue from one part of the body to the other for free tissue transfer, a graft of several parts replantation and composite tissue transplantation. Microsurgical procedures pose a wide range of highly individualized operations. Microsurgical reconstruction is typically reserved for the complex reconstructive surgery possible risks and Complications where other options such as primary closure, skin grafting, local or regional flap transfers which are inadequate.

Related: Craniofacial and plastic surgery the conference | Craniofacial Anomalies surgery conference | Facial and Plastic surgery conference | Cosmetology Surgery | Skull Base Surgery conference | Skull Base Surgery conference |

Recommended: Pediatric Craniofacial surgery | Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | Skull Base Surgery | Orthogenetic surgery | Reconstructive Microsurgery | Palate surgery | Reconstructive Surgery | Cosmetology Surgery | Dentistry | Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery | Facial Plastic | Paediatric Surgery |

Related Associations and Societies: | Estética y Reparadora | Fibrous Dysplasia Foundation | Turkish Society of Plastic | Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons | Österreichische Gesellschaft fur Pastiche | British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons | Societal Argentina de Cirugía Plástica | Ästhetische und Reconstructive Chirurgic |

1    Session on: Dentistry

Modern-day dentists are highly sophisticated health care professionals who deliver a wide range of oral health care services that contribute to the overall health and quality of their patients. They are at the forefront of new advances in dental implants, computer-generated imaging and cosmetic and aesthetic procedures involved in the craniofacial surgery. Dentistry procedures are helpful in craniofacial syndrome in which the children and adult who is affected by the jaw or teeth abnormalities or change. This Craniofacial Conference give different aspects of Dentistry and dentist involved in Craniofacial Surgery for the healthcare of the people followed by the procedures and some of the topics designed to overall dentist professionals and craniofacial related field doctors to share their experiences with their patients.

Related: Craniofacial maxillofacial surgery conference Craniosynostosis Surgery Conference Craniofacial surgery conferences | plastic surgery conference | Cleft Lip Surgery conference |

Recommended: Microsurgery | Maxillofacial | Cosmetic Surgery | Craniomaxillofacial | Craniofacial Anomalies | Plastic Surgery | Cleft Lip Surgery | Craniosynostosis Surgery | Craniosynostosis | Maxillofacial | Craniofacial surgery | Craniofacial  maxillofacial surgery |  Craniosynostosis |

Related Associations and Societies:

American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association | Cleft Lip and Palate Association | Hyderabad Cleft Society | European Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association | Indian Society of Cleft Lip Palate | National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research and Craniofacial Anomalies | Children's Craniofacial Association |

1    Session on: Autogenous Bone Grafting for Orbital Floor Fracture

Autogenous bone grafting for orbital floor fractures are done for facial and orbital reconstruction, mainly because of their high biocompatibility and low rate of infection, graft exposure, or displacement. The objective of the reconstruction of the orbital defect is to restore orbital function, aesthetics, and volume. Many cases studies showed that the Autogenous bone graft has been the method that used for the reconstruction of orbital wall defects. However, it is believed to be balanced by new bone growth, enabling a good final outcome.

Related: Craniofacial and plastic surgery the conference | Craniofacial Anomalies surgery conference | Skull Base Surgery conference | Maxillofacial surgery conference | Cosmetology Surgery | Facial and Plastic surgery conference |

Recommended:  Facial Plastic  |   Skull Base Surgery | Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery | Reconstructive Microsurgery | Reconstructive Surgery |Cosmetology Surgery | Dentistry | Pediatric Craniofacial surgery | Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | Orthogenetic surgery | Palate surgery | Paediatric Surgery | Paediatric Surgery |

Related Associations and Societies: Estética y Reparadora | Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons | Österreichische Gesellschaft fur Pastiche | Ästhetische und Reconstructive Chirurgic | Turkish Society of Plastic | Societal Argentina de Cirugía Plástica | Fibrous Dysplasia Foundation | British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons |

1     Session on:  Osseous Genioplasty

Osseous genioplasty or sliding genioplasty is surgery performed to reshape the bony structure of the chin. It is requested by patients who wish to increase chin projection, correct facial asymmetry, and to correct certain medical conditions. It is effective surgery of creating a balanced and beautiful facial profile by proceeding alterations in the chin morphology with minimal complications and stable long-term results.

Related: Craniofacial and plastic surgery the conference | Craniofacial Anomalies surgery conference | Facial and Plastic surgery conference | Cosmetology Surgery | Skull Base Surgery conference | Skull Base Surgery conference |

Recommended: Pediatric Craniofacial surgery |  Skull Base Surgery  |  Orthogenetic surgery | Reconstructive Microsurgery |  Palate surgery | Reconstructive Surgery |Cosmetology Surgery | Dentistry | Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery | Facial Plastic | Paediatric Surgery | Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery |  Aesthetic Plastic Surgery |

Related Associations and Societies: Ästhetische und Reconstructive Chirurgic | Estética y Reparadora | Fibrous Dysplasia Foundation | Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons | British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons | Societal Argentina de Cirugía Plástica | Turkish Society of Plastic | Österreichische Gesellschaft fur Pastiche |

      Session on:  Canthopexy surgery

Canthopexy surgery is minor surgery to change or strengthens the current ligament careful centrality while not eliminating its overall association. It will settle the eyelid that hangs. This procedure mixed up with the facelift eyelid procedure i.e. blepharoplasty. Blepharoplasty procedure approach or eyelid, that removes the lower eyelid skin, will generally cut downs the best edge lower the adjustment of the eyelid cliff. This surgery the overall aim is to cut the lower canthus tendon and then repositions or tighten it. The process supports the external corners of the eyes and invisible sutures to tighten a drooping lower eyelid.

Related:   Craniofacial Anomalies surgery conference | Cosmetology Surgery | Maxillofacial surgery conference | Craniofacial and plastic surgery the conference | Skull Base Surgery conference | Craniofacial Anomalies surgery conference | Facial and Plastic surgery conference |

Recommended : Aesthetic Plastic Surgery   | Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery | Pediatric Surgery | Orthogenetic surgery |  Palate surgery |Reconstructive Surgery | Cosmetology Surgery | Dentistry | Pediatric Craniofacial surgery | Facial Plastic |Skull Base Surgery | Reconstructive Microsurgery |

Related Associations and Societies : Fibrous Dysplasia Foundation | Turkish Society of Plastic | Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons | British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons |  Ästhetische und Reconstructive Chirurgic | : Societal Argentina de Cirugía Plástica | Estética y Reparadora | Österreichische Gesellschaft fur Pastiche | 

 Session on: Facial Bone Anatomy

The skull comprises of 22 bones all out, 8 of them cranial bones and 14 of them facial bones. At times The other physical name for facial bones is viscerocranium; as the facial skeleton, it's generally shaped by the bones that help the face and not the cerebrum and brainstem or the back and unrivalled part of the skull. At times, nonetheless, it can incorporate different bones, for example, the ethnocide bone, front facing bone, and sphenoid bone of the skull, and the hyoid bone close to the mandible. The skull additionally houses our sinuses, which are little openings through bones, in both the cranial and facial portions are alluded to as craniofacial bones. As well as explicit capacity and spot in life systems.

Related: | Cleft Lip Surgery conference | Craniofacial surgery conferences | Craniofacial maxillofacial surgery conference | Craniosynostosis Surgery Conference | plastic surgery conference

Recommended: |Microsurgery |  | Craniosynostosis | Maxillofacial | | Cosmetic Surgery | Craniomaxillofacial |  Craniofacial Anomalies | Craniofacial surgery | Craniofacial  maxillofacial surgery | Plastic Surgery | Cleft Lip Surgery | Craniosynostosis Surgery

Related Associations and Societies:

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research | Indian Society of Cleft Lip Palate | and Craniofacial Anomalies | American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association | Children's Craniofacial Association | European Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association | Cleft Lip and Palate Association | | Hyderabad Cleft Society

1     Session on: Spring assisted Cranioplasty

Cranioplasty is a kind of operation used to correct the abnormal head nature seen in children with sagittal Craniosynostosis. It comprises removing a tiny piece of skull bone, making cuts (osteotomies) either side of the fused sagittal suture and inserting metal springs that slowly widen the gap, which inspires new bone to grow in between the two cut surfaces.

Related: Maxillofacial surgery conference |  Skull Base Surgery conference | Facial and Plastic surgery conference | Cosmetology Surgery | Craniofacial and plastic surgery conference | Craniofacial Anomalies surgery conference |

Recommended: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | Skull Base Surgery | Pediatric Surgery | Reconstructive Microsurgery | Palate surgery | Reconstructive Surgery | Cosmetology Surgery | Dentistry | Orthogenetic surgery | Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery | Pediatric craniofacial surgery |

Related Associations and Societies:  American Society of Plastic Surgeons | Association of Plastic Surgeons of India | American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | American Board of Plastic Surgery |

       Session on: Craniofacial Anomalies

Spring-helped cranioplasty is a sort of activity used to address the unusual head shape found in youngsters with sagittal Craniosynostosis. It includes eliminating a little piece of skull bone, making cuts (osteotomies) either parallel of the intertwined sagittal stitch and embedding metal springs that consistently augment the hole, which cheers new unresolved issue in middle the two cut surfaces

Related: Maxillofacial surgery conference | Craniofacial and plastic surgery conference | Craniofacial Anomalies surgery conference | Skull Base Surgery conference | Facial and Plastic surgery conference | Cosmetology Surgery |

Recommended: Pediatric craniofacial surgery | Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | Skull Base Surgery | Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery | Pediatric Surgery | Orthogenetic surgery | Reconstructive Microsurgery | Palate surgery | Reconstructive Surgery | Cosmetology Surgery | Dentistry |

Related Associations and SocietiesOperation Smile | American Society of Plastic Surgeons | British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons | Association of Plastic Surgeons of India | American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | American Board of Plastic Surgery

       Session on : Congenital Anomalies

Haemangioma: It absconds after growth removal, and posttraumatic disfigurements. Innate circumstances should be dealt with from the get-go in early stages to streamline end-product. Reproduction of resultant imperfections after growth removal and injury regularly requires the contribution of the craniofacial specialist for both pediatric and grown-up patients

Haemangioma brings about strange vein development in the skin that might be available upon entering the world (faint red imprint) or show up in the first or second seven day stretch of life. A Haemangioma could show up anyplace on the skin, however generally shows up on the face, scalp, chest or back. A solitary, little Haemangioma generally needn't bother with any treatment. It'll probably die down all alone, yet when it is in explicit regions on the face, for example, lip needs treatment. The other case which requires a medical procedure is when Haemangioma becomes excessively huge or it is agonizing.

Hemi facial microsomalHemi facial microsomal is a kind of inherent issue that has consequences for the improvement of the lower half of the generally affects the ear, mouth, and jaw regions. Once in a while, the two sides of the face can be impacted and power includes the skull and the face. After congenital fissure and congenital fissure hemi facial microsomal is the second normal sort of craniofacial irregularitie

Related:   Craniofacial Anomalies surgery conferenceFacial and Plastic surgery conference | Cosmetology Surgery | Maxillofacial surgery conference | Craniofacial and plastic surgery the conference | Skull Base Surgery conference |

Recommended : Aesthetic Plastic Surgery   | Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery | Pediatric Surgery | Orthogenetic surgery |  Palate surgery |Reconstructive Surgery | Cosmetology Surgery | Dentistry | Pediatric Craniofacial surgery | Facial Plastic |Skull Base Surgery | Reconstructive Microsurgery |

Related Associations and Societies : Fibrous Dysplasia Foundation | Turkish Society of Plastic | Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons | British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons |  Ästhetische und Reconstructive Chirurgic | : Societal Argentina de Cirugía Plástica | Estética y Reparadora | Österreichische Gesellschaft fur Pastiche |

       Session on: cranioplasty:

Cranioplasty is a surgery to address a disfigurement or deformity of the skull and it is generally performed following an awful injury to the skull or after a past mind a medical procedure like a craniotomy or craniectomy. To address the imperfection the doctor might need to utilize a prosthetic or other engineered careful material to finish the system.

Related: Craniofacial surgery conferences  | Craniosynostosis Surgery Conference  |  Cleft Lip Surgery conference | plastic surgery conference | Craniofacial maxillofacial surgery conference

Recommended: Cosmetic Surgery | Craniomaxillofacial |  Craniofacial Anomalies | Craniofacial surgery | Craniofacial  maxillofacial surgery | Plastic Surgery | Cleft Lip Surgery | Craniosynostosis Surgery | Microsurgery | Microsurgery | Craniosynostosis |  Cosmetic Surgery | Maxillofacial  |

Related Associations and Societies:

Maxillo and Craniofacial Anomalies | American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association | Children's Craniofacial Association |European Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association | Cleft Lip and Palate Association |  Hyderabad Cleft Society   National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research |  Indian Society of Cleft Lip Palate |

 Session on:  Craniotomy


Craniotomy is the most usually done a medical procedure for cerebrum growth evacuation. It additionally might be done to eliminate a blood coagulation (hematoma), to control discharge from a powerless, spilling vein (cerebral aneurysm), to fix arteriovenous contortions (strange associations of veins), to deplete a cerebrum boil, to calm strain inside the skull, to play out a biopsy.

RelatedCraniofacial Anomalies surgery conference | Skull Base Surgery conference | Facial and Plastic surgery conference |  Maxillofacial surgery conference | Craniofacial and plastic surgery conference | Cosmetology Surgery |

Recommended: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | Skull Base Surgery | Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery | Pediatric Surgery | Palate surgery | Reconstructive Surgery | Cosmetology Surgery | Dentistry | Pediatric craniofacial surgery | Orthogenetic surgery | Reconstructive Microsurgery |

Related Associations and Societies: | British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons |  American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | American Board of Plastic Surgery | American Society of Plastic Surgeons | Association of Plastic Surgeons of India  | Operation Smile |

  Session on: Craniofacial Dissorders



Craniofacial abnormalities are musculoskeletal disorders that affect the cranium and facial bones during birth. They are connected to the formation of the pharyngeal arches. Approximately 5% of the UK or US population has dentofacial deformities that necessitate Orthognathic surgery, jaw surgery, Orthodontics, and brace therapy as part of their definitive treatment.

Related : Craniofacial Anomalies surgery conference | Facial and Plastic surgery conference | Cosmetology Surgery | Maxillofacial surgery conference | Craniofacial and plastic surgery the conference | Skull Base Surgery conference |

Recommended: Facial Plastic | Skull Base Surgery | Pediatric Surgery | Orthogenetic surgery | Reconstructive Microsurgery | Palate surgery | Cosmetology Surgery | Dentistry | Pediatric Craniofacial surgery | Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery | Reconstructive Surgery |

Related Associations and Societies:  Fibrous Dysplasia Foundation | Turkish Society of Plastic | Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons | British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons | Ästhetische und Reconstructive Chirurgic | Societal Argentina de Cirugía Plástica | Estética y Reparadora | Österreichische Gesellschaft fur Pastiche |


Market Analysis/About Previous Editions

Market Analysis


Craniomaxillofacial Device Market in the  Edinburgh, Scotland is valued at USD 0.17 billion in 2021 and is expected to hit USD 0.23 billion by 2026. The craniomaxillofacial devices market is projected to grow at a significant CAGR of 5.92% over the forecast time period. According to a recent research report, it was observed that around 1% of the new-born in the country suffer from facial anomalies such as cleft palate. An increasing number of cases regarding facial anomalies will drastically impact the growth of the market in the country. Congenital facial deformities will be one of the major causes of infant mortality and childhood morbidity that affects approximately 2-3% of babies globally. 


Craniofacial surgery Market Share Insights


Craniomaxillofacial Device Market in the  Edinburgh, Scotland is valued at USD 0.17 billion in 2021 and is expected to hit USD 0.23 billion by 2026. The craniomaxillofacial devices market is projected to grow at a significant CAGR of 5.92% over the forecast time period. According to a recent research report, it was observed that around 1% of the new-born in the country suffer from facial anomalies such as cleft palate. An increasing number of cases regarding facial anomalies will drastically impact the growth of the market in the country. Congenital facial deformities will be one of the major causes of infant mortality and childhood morbidity that affects approximately 2-3% of babies globally. All these factors will increase the application of Craniomaxillofacial devices, therefore driving the market growth. Growing demand for less invasive techniques for reconstruction surgeries than traditional open surgeries will be one of the major market drivers for the market growth. CMF distraction system market is estimated to grow at a substantial CAGR of 8.8% during the forecast period. An increase in the use of distraction systems in correcting complex mandibular deformities with the help of an internal distractor will be a major market driving factor responsible for the business growth in the upcoming years. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2015, 15.9 million minimally invasive cosmetic surgeries were performed in the U.S.

The global Craniomaxillofacial implants market is forecasted to grow at 6.97% CAGR from 2021 to 2026. The market accounted for USD 2.35 billion in 2021 and is expected to research USD 3.30 billion by 2026.

Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2015 - 2026)


Handheld Surgical Instruments




Auxiliary Instruments

Cutter Instruments


Chisels and Gouges



Sutures and Staplers

Electrosurgical Instruments

Bipolar Instruments

Monopolar Instruments

Procedure Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2015 - 2026)


Face and Head Procedures

Brow Lift

Ear Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

Face and Neck Lift Surgery

Face and Bone Contouring


Breast Procedures

Breast Augmentation

Breast Lift

Breast Reduction


Body and Extremities Procedures

Buttock Augmentation

Thigh Lift

Upper and Lower Body Lift

Arm lift


Reconstruction Surgeries




Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2015 - 2026)


North America





Asia Pacific

South Korea

Saudi Arabia

Market driver


Increased demand for a patient-specific cranial implant.

Market trend



Product innovation and cost reduction.

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Conference Date January 12-13, 2021
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